Delphine JametFeb 27, 2021Bog Dialogue from an Alpha Male BulldogMy mate was facing a contentious trespassing charge. He'd taken a photo of an ex-government public facility. The gate was open.
Delphine JametFeb 20, 2021Abandoned Deceased Estate: Memories of a cold, dark nightAn interesting explore of a deceased estate in Gosnells, Western Australia... on a cold and dark, lonely night!
Delphine JametJan 14, 2021The Westside Obsession (now available!)A comic book set in Perth, Western Australia based on true events between an innocent female clashing with macho, stubborn security guards.
Delphine JametNov 13, 2020A Sense of Dread, Revisiting the PastThere’s familiarity in the scene. A sense of dread. Uneasiness setting in, like the cold dampness of a winter night.
Delphine JametOct 12, 2020Artistic Expressions and Impressions of the CreativeMoods that represent, circumstances of life the artist presents with designs that display and portray.
Delphine JametSep 25, 2020City Limits in More Ways Than OneEverything was now regulated, either for safety or security reasons. No one could, should or would ever be trusted again.
Delphine JametApr 5, 2020City Shots: Life in Perth During a PandemicTaking photos of the city doesn't seem anywhere as big an issue. Perhaps I'll only have a week or two before Stage 3 is implemented in Perth