Raw, immediate, absorbing, this volume presents the true account of life on the streets of Perth, written by a teenage streetkid. Part diary and part interview, the text provides a voice to an underclass that has often been ignored, categorised and patronised.
Amongst the despair and the violence there is an invitation to understanding.
The author hopes that, by understanding what actually happens on the streets, what juveniles are like and how they can be helped, the Australian government might make an improvement with problems, solutions and relationships with juveniles.
Published by Allen & Unwin, May 2001
Download the first chapter here

Set in Perth, Western Australia, Deep Into Dark is based on true anecdotes weaved into the story of fictional character, Hayley Nicole Stevenson. Part diary, part interviews, these stories give voice to an underclass in Australian society that is all too often ignored, categorised and patronised.
Delphine Jamet brings maturity into this well-documented and insightful story on the homeless community. Deep Into Dark will change your perspective of life on the streets and the homeless outcasts living on the doorsteps of city dwellers.
This book will appeal to teenagers, teachers, parents and all those who work with street kids. Even teenagers who find reading difficult or uninteresting will be captivated by this story that demystifies the homeless lifestyle. Suitable for 12 years +
Published by Streetkid Industries, 2011 and 2015
Download the first chapter here

Follow Hayley Nicole Stevenson as she heads to Adelaide for a fresh start, only to find things never go according to plan. Based on real diary entries, read about a girl's experience in juvenile detention.
It sounds like an adventure. A road trip with friends from Perth to the Gold Coast. But everything turns out to be a challenge for Hayley—finding a place to stay, getting a job, learning new rules and ways of life. And then an act committed out of frustration one night turns this street girl’s life upside down. Next thing she knows, she’s learning about life from inside the walls of a detention centre. New rules, chores, classes, people telling her what to do, fights... and those ever-present fences with barbed wire signifying the end of freedom.
Enter Hayley’s world. Life on the streets is tough, but at least Perth was familiar territory.
Published by Streetkid Industries, April 2016
Download the first chapter here