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33 - Hilton IGA Supermarket

Hilton IGA Supermarket

Hilton, being known as a tight-knit community, were left devastated when they realised they'd be losing their local IGA to the Coles Supermarket conglomerate.


The owner of the site, who'd been leasing it to the local IGA, signed a secret deal, which would see the current supermarket demolished in favour of a super new building for a new 24/7 Coles Supermarket.

Hilton IGA owner, Gino Divitini, first heard about the development application when he was contacted by a staff member, informing him of the application posted on the Fremantle council's community consultation website. The next day, two signs appeared in the carpark, advertising the future development.

Local residents began rallying against Carcione Group's proposed development, which saw the IGA supermarket permanently close in May 2021 and demolished shortly after.


More than 20 locals spoke out, particularly citing concerns of increased traffic problems, as well as landscaping aesthetics which hadn't been included in the designs.

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