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08 - Kwinana Radar Station Communication Centre

Kwinana Radar Station

The Radio Communications Centre in Leda, commonly referred to as the Kwinana Radar Bunkers, are a set of four above-ground concrete structures that were used by the RAAF’s 228 Radar Station unit during World War 2. A radio tower also exists alongside one of the bunkers, although an additional structure at the rear, that was said to be a lot bigger, has been removed some time ago.


Located on Parrot Bush Hill, what feels like a subtle elevation from Wellard Road, certainly feels obviously higher than sea level when looking west from some 100m away towards the Kwinana industrial zone.


Inherit State Heritage

What has started to become nothing short of common, the Inherit listing for this communication centre is fraught with incorrect information. Although they tend to cite a limited number of references at times, it appears they don’t personally have the resources to attend cite and qualify or fact check before compiling information, particularly for the pages that consist of a basic listing. In the case of the Radio Communications Centre:


  • There are four concrete huts and not three (I myself was not aware of this until last year!)

  • Whilst they are reported as being “almost identical”, the two concrete huts located close to Wellard Road are identical, as are the two rear ones with each other.

  • The given measurements of 4.2m x 5.1m only refers to the rear huts

  • The “centrally placed window” and “timber framing to openings” is limited to the front ones

  • The “distinct striped appearance” of the internal walls refers to the rear huts, or rather, is certainly a lot more obvious

  • The rusted radar tower is mentioned as being located close to the “third bunker”, although this would qualify as being the second one, seeing as there is no mention of the fourth hut located 100m west of the first bunker, as seen from the road.


It is good to know that the concrete pits located almost directly in front of the window of the two smaller ones, was once used by a generator and engine. They have since been half-filled with rubbish as well as needles and related paraphernalia by lazy feral junkie nutsacks.


Please note: Whilst we have no issues with those battling substance abuse, we differentiate feral junkie nutsacks

from 'drug users,' as those being disrespectful fkwits who leave needles and paraphernalia lying around for the world

to see and worse yet, the threat of being pricked by used needles.


Granted, the majority of those who do use drugs, respectfully break off the needle from the syringe (pre-littering or pre-disposing) and tend to respectfully dispose of everything else.


A single reference has been included at the bottom of the very-short Inherit State Heritage page attributes Lauri Russell’s “Third Time Lucky”, which is a 379 paged book published by the Kwinana Town Council in 1979. Interestingly, the Western Australia Maritime Database lists the location as being “McKenna” which immediately makes me think of the Postans suburb, which has since been renamed Medina.


Kwinana Heritage Study

The Radio Communications Centre is listed as being functional between 1939-1945 and built using local limestone from East Rockingham.


Perhaps an apology is due in part to inHerit, as the information that comprises their listing appears to have been immediately duplicated from the Kwinana Town Council’s brief three-pages (with a DRAFT watermark), despite a lack of fact checking. Although it does raise questions as to why the Kwinana Town Council themselves have dubious information. Or perhaps the Kwinana Town Council took the information from the inHerit webpage.


Despite mention of the communications centre being in operation since 1939, the Kwinana Town Centre document state that the Radar 228 Station unit was formed in Subiaco on 24 May 1943, transferring to East Rockingham in the same year. The unit officially closed on 17 September 1945 and disbanded on 10 May 1945. It is presumed that it was closed in 1944, in lieu of some five months after disbanding.


Furthermore, mention of the Radar Detection Huts is limited to two, with “a tower located at the rear of each of the bunkers”. This would suggest the two smaller concrete huts located in close proximity to Wellard Road were purposed for other reasons, despite the hut in line with the two bigger ones having unearthed smaller radar tower footings locates in close proximity to its southern side.


A small rectangle shaped concrete dome, as pictures in the April 2021 document has since been removed from site, presumably stolen.

01 - September 2020

02 - December 2021

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