Constructing Leighton Battery
On 23 July 1941, 96 acres of land in North Fremantle belonging to the University of Western Australia, was acquired by the Department of Army. The order was made under Regulation 54 of the National Security (General Regulations) (NAA: K273, 1941/16 Part1).

May 1942 - Construction of Leighton Battery begins with the laying of 5 pair cables from the Command Post's location to each of the 4 guns at the AA Gun Station (NAA: MP742/1, 82/9/5).
August 1942 - Preparations for the positions of two 6in guns begin. They would be transferred from Arthur's Head Battery in Fremantle early the following year (NAA: MP742/1, 82/9/5).
24 September 1942 – Approval is received from the 3 Aust Corps to move two 6in guns from Arthur’s Head to the new site at Leighton, which is to be known as “Leighton Battery” (AWM2019.366.2948).
28 October 1942 – A survey of Leighton Battery is conducted to identify the height and co-ordinates of gun positions, CASL emplacements and engine rooms (AWM2019.366.2949).
8 November 1942 – The MGRA inspects Leighton Battery, which is in the process of construction and will replace Arthurs Battery. He is “greatly impressed with Fixed Defences” (AWM2019.366.2949).
15 November 1942 – An official photographer takes photographs of the construction work at Leighton Battery, as authorised by 3 Aust Corps (AWM2019.366.2949).

30 November 1942 – Leighton Battery’s temporary line of communication from the Gresham Switchboard is out of action as a result of fire (AWM2019.366.2949).
1 December 1942 – Damage to line communications through Gresham Switchboard repaired (AWM2019.366.2949).
3 December 1942:
One emplacement and one engine room is still under construction. These are being made from timber and dug into the ground.
Construction of the reinforced Command Post has been completed.
Brick retaining walls and recesses for the No.1 and No.2 Gun Sites has commenced.
The Cartridge Hoist shafting for the No.1 Gun has been completed.
Semi-portable platforms have been installed at No.1 and No.2 gun positions (NAA: MP742/1, 82/9/5).
24 January 1943 – Accommodation is not making satisfactory progress as a result of the job being listed as a ‘B’ priority (AWM2019.366.2950).
25 January 1943 – Fort Arthur’s Head No.1 gun is moved to Leighton Battery (AWM2019.366.2950). By that time, a decision had been made to build a new battery equipped with 5.25 CA/AA guns, so the 6-inch BL MK VII guns became a temporary instalment, mounted on the semi portable platforms (The Coast Defences of Western Australia).
30 January 1943 – The No.1 gun is now in action (AWM2019.366.2950).
6 February 1943 – The No.2 gun at Fort Arthur’s Head is moved to Leighton Battery (AWM2019.366.2950).
8 February 1943 – Both 6-in BL MkVII guns are now ready for action (AWM2019.366.2950).
11 February 1943 – Permission is granted for Leighton Battery to expend three rounds per gun for proofing (AWM2019.366.2950).
23 February 1943 – Mountings for the 6-in BL MkVII guns have been inspected and are satisfactory (NAA: MP742/1, 82/9/5).