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08 - Point Peron K Battery - Observation Post.jpg

Point Peron K Battery

Observation Post

The Observation Post is located on the highest south point of the Cape. It is approximately 50 metres north east of the Operations Centre and 200 metres away from Gun Emplacement South.

The building is constructed with a reinforced concrete frame, brick infill panels, concrete ledges and a flat concrete roof.

A room is accessible through a small passage to the left of the entrance on the west side with a second up a set of concrete stairs directly opposite the door. Both rooms have long horizontal viewing openings spanding the entire width of the northern wall.

01 - October 2022

02 - February 2023

03 - March 2023

04 - April 2023

* Colour variation is due to cameras being used: iPhone (dark green) and Canon DSLR (army green).

05 - April 2023

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