In all seriousness, or perhaps a complete lack of it, the dreary mundane routine of life is finally cracked. Albeit, ever so slightly. A life, that is, best suited to a tranquillised zombie. Probably not a robot, seeing as they act as refreshed as those rare muppets who claim to have had a good night's sleep. Sure!

This crack I see in the mirror's reflection, is like a bolt of adrenaline surging through the body. Obviously with half-charged batteries, given that this feeling of excitement has a short window to make its presence felt. Nevertheless, a pleasant change as such. The mirror symbolic of my life, resembling a revolving door presenting the same thing each time and each day.
All thanks to an infamous YouTube influencer with little disregard for life, let alone the law. Perhaps the word 'life' should be substituted for 'safety,' considering a lack of safety creates his issues with the law. Despite at times, seemingly existing out of reach of the law with his epic escapes, talking himself out of arrests, as well as Law being his surname. Oh the irony!

So... introducing Law. Ally Law. The lad from South Hampton. Depleting all free time from hooked viewers and causing an elevation in their levels of adrenaline and anxiety. Who knows how many serious medical conditions Law could cause if he started filming interactively for VR platforms like Occulus Rift!
The intensity of the insanity, mind boggling danger of an equivalent Richter scale. Ludicrously crazy and obscene, yet undeniably creative at times. Specifically, like the time Law and his mates were walking on the glass roof of the 50-storey Tour First skyscraper in Paris, as the sun was starting to set. A spectacular view indeed, although on the flip-side, not the case if they were to fall off their viewing ledge on the edge.

Clearly unplanned and unstaged, Law's preposterous feats heighten in risk for the sake of feeling alive. Yet perhaps trapped in an adrenaline-addicted cycle, where cravings must be met in order to preserve his sanity, or whatever is left, if any. This tends to result in what he calls an 'overnight challenge,' something he attempts to carry out on a daily basis. Sometimes more than one a night, usually as a result of getting chased out by police or security. Even when Law is arrested and released, much to the indignation of local authorities, who seemingly have little powers to prevent such absurd acts from taking place. This is because in the UK, trespassing is a civil offence and there isn't a lot the police can do.
Law and his accomplices have at times been issued with temporary bans from bridges, parts of buildings not open to the public, commerical properties outside of business hours, TV studios, theme parks and a 24-hour ban from South Hampton's city centre. One lifetime ban is from all properties owned by Merlin Entertainment, which includes Legoland.
On one occasion that we know of, a printed circulation of Law's profile, together with his mate Ryan Taylor, was distributed within a British multinational DIY and home improvement company. Despite not making any changes to their appearances, both were able to enter one of their stores and attempted to hide until all the staff had gone for the night but were instead, left to deal with attending police.
Without a doubt, Law's photo would have been circulated and made known to most, if not all of UK's police services, security agencies, major buildings and the like. Yet he continually manages to avoid detection when entering a location, until it's too late.
Law rarely even hides his clothing label, 'It's a Madness,' which he proudly wears everywhere. Considering how well known this phrase is becoming, how more obvious can you get?

From a marketing perspective, it's pure genius!
From a 'blatant, post-laugh at authorities' perspective, particularly when an overnight challenge is successful, wearing his label would surely leave a permanent bitter taste in the mouth of whoever Law had circumvented, whether it be a storeman, manager or security guard.
With millions of views on every YouTube video uploaded from footage taken during each challenge, those unsuspecting participants will forever be a laughing stock, especially if there is any evidence to suggest they were warned about Law.
Fans of all ages (as well as past targets and those monitoring his trespassing activities) subscribe to his YouTube channel (which currently has 3.17M subscribers!) and eagerly purchase his merchandise. It's certainly not just the police or security guards who recognise him. Fans all over the world (obviously more so in the UK), excitedly accost him in public spaces for a selfie, especially as his exploits take him all over Europe and on one occasion, Melbourne.
Perhaps as a result of feeling like he's being run out of the UK, Law attempts to climb and explore buildings and landmarks in foreign countries, at the risk of being shot by military police, beaten up by unregulated responding authorities or copping a severe form of punishment. Particularly when he fails to research (or at least, bother to) the laws that could apply to him.
So as viewers find themselves hooked on watching this mischievous, daring and adventurous Ginger Warrior, who is certainly recognisable with his ginger beard, slight chubby physique and developing maturity, it's hard not to warm up to his entertaining personality and 'can do' attitude.
His laughing tendencies certainly deserves a mention, considering they attract a substantial percentage of comments on nearly every video Law posts. At times, it sounds like the soundtrack of a scary movie, pendulating to an immature school boy with characteristics reminding us, that even at the age of 23 and still young with a lot of growing up to do, Law is the child in all of us who just wants to live life to the full, explore and experience everything he can, at the same time as living on the edge.
As stupid or scary Law's feats may seem at times (well in theory... ARE!), it's hard not to feel a surge of adrenaline, even as a distant spectator. That rare feeling of being so alive.

Not to necessary imitate what he's doing, particularly that on the extreme end of things but more like trying something new. Perhaps something slightly dangerous or even out of our comfort zone. Preferably within the limits of the law, which one cannot help but wonder how often the law deserves a little stretching for one to grow.
Ally Law's exploits tend to attract criticisms from all walks of life. Even the Parkour community, a sport he began with, which progressed and led him to where he is today.
We could all take a page from his book, to try and change ourselves for the better, break free, be a little more daring and perhaps somewhat larger than life.
Or we could just keep watching YouTube, reminding ourselves that our mundane routine is perfect for people like us, tranquillised zombies. Day in, day out. Although boring is certainly safer and more law abiding.