The wheels on the locomotion spin so fast, out of control. There’s no one to pull on the reins and halt it to a stop. It wasn’t that long ago I was young and now I am faced with being a third way through my life. It’s a scary thought. The fear factor of jumping off a cliff with a parachute the size of a hankie.

I know I’m lucky to not have yet reached 60 years of age but they’re right when they say the time creeps up ever so fast. Each day seems slow but looking back at night, I never know where the time went!
I remember sitting at my desk in high school, completely bored and wondering if this painful process would ever end. When would freedom start? Keeping guard on my watch, counting down time to the end of class, the day or even summer holidays.
But now, I’d do anything to be back in that class. Revelling in youth that I took for granted. Even my first job . . . how it seems so long ago.
I can barely remember the faces I once loved of the children at the child care I worked in, at my first job. All the toddlers would be in high school right now, no more nappies to change but it won’t be long before they have children of their own!
It would be nice to step into the past, there must be a way. A hidden time machine waiting around the corner to refresh the memories that zipped by too fast. The moments I had a family, my parents together or even graduating from primary school! I can still remember it but it doesn’t feel the same to not be there, at the scene, reliving that moment in the flesh.

The big 3-0. No more being in my 20’s, I’m past my prime. One third of my life. Whatever way I phrase it, it seems so scary. I just have to be positive, welcome the new experiences and people I meet in the future with open arms. It won’t be longer before I’m 40!