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18 - Dalwallinu Mine Tip Bush

Dalwallinu Mine Tip Bush

Like many things that involve the government, it can be very hard to find information or research places like this, which appear to have barely been documented over the past 100 years.

Initially land owned or used by the Public Works Department for water supply, sewerage and drainage purposes, it’s now a dormant 30.6763 hectares of land known as Crown Reserve 15687.

During the early 1990’s, several hectares was removed from the reserve for the purposes of widening the Dalwallinu-Kalannie Road but other than that, all I can find is that the land is vested in the Shire of Dalwallinu.

Perhaps it was once a sand or stone quarry, serving the district’s needs. Maybe even a tip, although most likely limited to a past facility’s operation some decades ago, judging from some of the items that remain behind, including potential chemical contamination.

National Heritage Trust
The National Heritage Trust was set up in 1997 with the $1.35 billion proceeds of the partial sale of Telstra, under the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997, to “conserve, repair and replenish Australia’s natural capital infrastructure”.

Funds from the Trust had to be spent on the “environment, sustainable agriculture and natural resources management”.

Today it is known as
Phase Two of the National Landcare Program.

Information on their involvement with the World Wildlife Fund in this area is also difficult to find. Many of the limited articles of information for other nearby regions tends to be focused on addressing salinity issues, with revegetation techniques particularly relating to planting native species and trees.

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